Goodbye CLUTTER, hello SANITY.

If I was to poll 100 people and ask what their greatest interior design challenge is at this very moment, you can bet the majority will say CLUTTER. How do you streamline, purge and organize your home in a way that makes life simpler? Today I want to Marie Kondo that ish (yes, I just turned her into a verb!) and provide simple, actionable solutions to tackle your great white whale; CLUTTER.

This comes at a perfect time, when many of you have dug out seasonal decorations and piled your “everyday” items somewhere in your basement. Let’s start there. Can you identify any boxes that you did not pull out? If you have seasonal décor that you have not pulled this year, PURGE. Donate to any local organization, ask your friends or family if they could use these items or sell them on Facebook marketplace. {If you happen to be tackling this during the spring or fall, or you live in a milder climate, have you considered a yard sale?}

Next, make a list of your clutter hotspots. Junk drawers? Check. Linen closet that contains everything but linens? Check check. Once you have compiled the areas you need to tackle, pick one per evening for a week. It will feel way less overwhelming and you’ll go to bed feeling accomplished when you start chipping away at the chaos. Answer honest questions while you work. “When was the last time I used this? Why are we keeping this?” If you don’t have a solid answer or can specifically pinpoint when you’ll need it next, toss it.

Now that you’ve sorted through some of the madness, the fun begins, let’s get organized! You have pared down to what you need and now you want it to be neat and accessible. Maximize your space by investing in storage solutions that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Consider multifunctional furniture, like ottomans with hidden storage, or wall-mounted shelves to free up floor space. You can also use labeled bins or baskets for small items to maintain order within drawers and cabinets. This not only declutters but also makes it easy to find things when you need them.

After you’ve tackled your physical spaces, have you considered your digital ones? We live in a digital world and so many of us never consider that “clutter” to contribute to our overwhelm. Organize files, delete unnecessary apps, and clear out your inbox to reduce digital stress. You can also unsubscribe from unnecessary emails and create folders to streamline your inbox or desktop.

Now that you’ve created these magical, useful spaces the most important step still remains; establishing daily habits for maintenance. This is where a lot of you fall off the wagon. Take small actions like making your bed each morning, putting things back where they belong and doing a quick evening tidy-up will make a significant difference. Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining an organized home.

Embarking on a journey to declutter and organize your home doesn't have to be overwhelming. By following these easy and actionable steps, you'll be well on your way to creating a space that not only looks beautiful but also functions seamlessly. Remember, it's not about perfection but about making choices that enhance your daily life and bring joy to your home. Happy organizing!


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